わたしたちは それぞれのお子さまに合ったレベルで 学校教育を英語でサポートする チューターのネットワークです



Tutors Cloud International Party

Thank you so much for your participation and contribution to the 1st Tutors Cloud International Party on July 26th (Sat) @ Osaki!

We had a wonderful time and have greatly enjoyed the quality and variety of global discussions.

Our event is for people who not only want to learn something new in English, but also like to have fun.

We also had a short version of great Lego workshop for global team building.

Participants differ from each other in fundamental ways including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs. Our Lego team building workshop will help individuals understand each other better and appreciate the differences each person brings to the global workplace.

The party was a great success, thoroughly enjoyed by all ages and by the tutors.

We hope to see you again at the next Tutors Cloud International Party!

にほんブログ村 教育ブログ 家庭教師へ


